President – Audry Farber – 12th Term
I am Audry Farber. I have been a member of CGS since 1994. I served on the board for 11 years from 2011 to 2022, the last four of those as president. I am very committed to the mission of CGS, which is why I ran again for president.
Vice-President – Nicole Richmond – 13th Term
I’m coming out of ’retirement’ and I would like to again thank you for the nomination of Vice President. I have 12 previous years serving in different board position. I hope to bring some new ideas to the group, revisit some old ideas, and I’m always willing to listen to your thoughts. I am looking forward to working with the other organizations and meeting with them. CGS is dear to my heart. I believe in CGS and what it means to the community.
Email Nicole at:
It has been my privilege to serve as your treasurer for the past five years. I’ll continue to help keep CGS moving forward. My goal is to keep our organization financially strong and also to bring some new ideas to the table. Thank you for your support.
Secretary – Dorothy Powers – 1st Term
To many of you I may seem new to CGS, but in reality, I am not. Back in 1998 when Olivia was President, Cathy Sikora was VP, Robin Paepcke was Sec., and Diane Peterson was Trea., I was the Rep at Large. I have enjoyed being back with CGS and my role as Secretary for the past year. I look forward to being even more involved in CGS.
Representative at Large – Karen Lynn – 9th Term
I have currently been serving as the Rep. at Large and previously as Secretary, Treasurer and Vice President for the seven years prior to this past term. I have been a member since May 2002 and involved with many of the CGS events. I again, hope to continue to serve CGS and our community.
Email Karen at: